Remote Learning 2020

Contingency Plan for school absence or school closure.
Thanks to everyone who has responded to our Contingency Plan consultation. It has been really useful to help us plan. It seems that a blended learning approach similar to previously is the preferred option we will plan for.

Part of the need for a contingency plan is to support pupils who may be in isolation for 14 days due to Covid restrictions. In this case the approach is different to a full or 'bubble' closure as the teacher will still be in school teaching.

In this case the following home-learning support will be implemented:

If your child is home isolating ill with symptoms, no home-learning will be supplied until they are well.

If your child is at home isolating due to a family member being ill, but is well themselves, a home learning pack will be dropped off for them. This work will not be the same as the class work as it will focus on independent learning and practicing of skills that can be done by the child at home without a teacher. It will include maths, English and topic work for each day. Advice or help can be sought from the teacher as usual through Dojo.

If your child's class 'bubble' closes or the school closes, the teachers will provide a mixture of learning through Class Dojo. This will include recorded or live explanations/teaching videos, Google Classrooms, learning grids, phonics, maths, English, reading and topic learning tasks and activities. It may also include links to other lessons to watch such as through My Maths, RWI, White Rose Maths and Oak Academy. If requested paper learning packs can be provided also. Children's work can be uploaded through their portfolio and teachers will respond and advise as previously.

In the meantime, we have everything crossed that none of this will be needed and that we can continue to welcome the children into school everyday!